Since the mid-2000’s, many of us who study legged systems have met for the annual Dynamic Walking event: a conference without published papers, designed to encourage discussions and sharing between roboticists, biologists, and others interested in any legged system. In 2020, Dynamic Walking went “virtual”. Now, instead of waiting for a once-a-year event, many have proposed that a more regular lecture/tutorial series would work quite well, in this “age of zoom talks”.

This year, Dynamic Walking will take on a different form, featuring three monthly half-day episodes to dive into a broad research area that targets different themes. We’re very excited to be hosting Dynamic Walking in this virtual format. We encourage you to explore the rest of the site for more information and to join us for the meetings this summer.

Registration for all episodes is now closed, but talks can still be viewed live and after the episode airs on YouTube.

May 20

Episode 1: (Bio)Mechanics

1:30-5:30 PM EDT
For example:
limb morphology, actuators, wearable devices, musculotendon dynamics, locomotion kinetics, mechanism design

Registration is Now Closed for Episode 1.
You can still view the talks recorded on the DW2021 YouTube channel.

June 11

Episode 2: (Neural)Control

1:30-5:30 PM EDT
For example:
motor control of movement, feedforward/feedback architectures, model-based and data-driven control strategies, sensory integration, machine learning, short-term adaptation, trajectory optimization

Registration is Now Closed for Episode 2.
You can still view the talks recorded on the DW2021 YouTube channel.

July 15

Episode 3: (Task)Objectives

1:30-5:30 PM EDT
For example:
objective functions, economy, stability, agility, robustness, autonomy, cost landscapes, long-term adaptation, behavior

Registration is Now Closed for Episode 3.
You can still view the talks live on July 15 or after the episode airs on the DW2021 YouTube channel.